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Meeting the needs of customers associated with Amruthadi K.S.C Pachanamritha Choornam, Arimedadi Thaila Oil, B.H. Forte Lehya Powder, Chandanasava Syrup, etc..


New Arrivals

The eight major disciplines of ayurvedic research provide a wide range of treatments for diseases and illnesses that are unique to humans. Your introduction to Ayurveda and exploration of ayurvedic medicine will be guided by the professionals at Everest. It gives you the chance to experience the best first hand. We, Everest Ayurveda, laid the foundation stone of our company as a manufacturer and supplier to serve customers with herbal products that are effective and safe to consume. One can buy Diavin Powder, Awaleha Chyavanaprasam Syrup, Abhayarishta Syrup, Amruthotharam Kashayam Syrup, etc. from us. The products we supply are prepared with great care and in hygienic manner as we are a highly professional company that never compromises on the predefined norms.

Everest Group & Sister Concern

According to Mr. Kuriappan K. Erinjery, the heir of the aristocratic Menachery Erinjery Family, an important development is about to occur in our medical future. The company was founded in 1971, and its initial business, Everest Tiles, was a huge success. Since our foundation, we have expanded into other  industries, and today it is one of Keralas renowned entrepreneurial groups, on the outskirts of Thrissur, Kerala, Southern India, in the village of Chiyyaram, The Everest Ayurveda Medicines first opened for business in 1981. The Groups first Ayurveda endeavour, the profitable Everest Pharma, was instrumental in fusing old and contemporary methods of making Ayurvedic medicines.

Our techniques served as the foundation for Everest Pharmas slogan, Specially For You Naturally. Everest Drugs, a second subsidiary of Everest Ayurveda Medicines, was established in 1995; later, in 2007, it merged with Everest Pharma. The Everest Jewellers, a highly varied business of the Group, was founded in 1983. The tagline, Pure Gold, Clear Trade, emphasized the familys high ethical standards. Everest Jewellery is currently one of Kerala's top jewellers because to its many years of experience in the industry. The group is also active in a variety of other industries, including agriculture, etc. The key to the groups success is its dedication to upholding the traditional Kerala Joint Family structure while introducing superior products to meet the needs of an expanding market.


We have a distinct subsidiary called Everest Distributors for effective marketing. Super Stockists in every district of Kerala are part of our distribution network, and they are managed and aided by highly skilled marketing managers and field representatives. Because of the magnificence of Ayurveda and our commitment to group traditions, we place a strong emphasis on moral marketing strategies. For doctors who are interested in opening their own clinics, we also offer Everest Clinics, and for those with expertise who want to open our own unique showroom, we offer Everest Agencies. We are promoting our product,
Awaleha Chyavanaprasam Syrup, Diavin Powder, Amruthotharam Kashayam Syrup, Abhayarishta Syrup, etc. to increase awareness of our brand.

Everest Ayurveda Medicines

Since 1981, our company has focused on the slogan Everest Ayurveda Medicines, Specially For You Naturally, which has always been accurate. In order to do this, old techniques and contemporary technologies were combined. With solid returns for more than 20 years, the venture has been sustained by a focus on quality through the selection of the best ingredients and ongoing plant improvement through the adoption of current technology. Kashaya Sookshma Choornams, a brand-new idea in ayurveda, was initially introduced by Everest Pharma. The idea behind it is to make Kashyams in Sookshma Choornas (Microfined Powder Form). Because these choornams eliminated the need to create Kashayams fresh and preserve it for days, it revolutionised the production of ayurvedic medicines. After adding the necessary dose of Kashaya Sookshma Choornams in boiling water, the dose can be consumed. Due to their dedicated workforce, Everest Ayurveda Medicines is one of the top employers. The managerial team and all employees are aware of the value of producing high-quality work.


We have distinctive Ayurvedic insights that are well-known in the South but are not currently being used. When used correctly, each principle has the potential to significantly alter the outcomes of ayurvedic treatment. The Kashaya sookshma choorams, which relate to ones present state of thought, is one place where these insights particularly stand out. In order to decide the right diet and lifestyle to adopt in order to become more balanced, many individuals are now focusing on a person's constitution. To bring forth the right Ayurvedic regimen, we think that the condition of mind should be addressed.

In Future

The Everest Group has many ambitions for the future after experiencing significant growth throughout the years.

  • Modern Style of Preparations: Everest is eager to begin manufacturing ointments, tablets, capsules, and syrups. which the current generation prefers and have many export potential.
  • Everest Ayurveda Farm: It is one of the original theories of ayurvedic medicine. This farm will serve as both an Ayurveda resort and a source of rare medicinal plant species. Due to the farms abundance of medicinal plants for air purification, its atmosphere will be one of a kind.
  • Everest Ayurveda Hospital: The Everest company intends to build a super specialty hospital that will focus only on Ayurveda in the future.

Quality Control

Everest Ayurveda adheres completely to management procedures when it comes to quality control. Evaluation systems are made to keep track of procurement and process levels in order to guarantee quality. We raise a variety of therapeutic plants because finding herbs is difficult. Ayurvedic medicines must be created with the utmost care because the procedure is crucial to their high calibre. For instance, certain herbs must be dried over a period of time in the shade, not in the sun. The factory compound is kept clean to maintain a hygienic environment. Plastic materials are used as little as possible. All employees at various levels


Without straying from the fundamentals of heritage, the Manufacturing unit is given all the contemporary amenities. We guarantee quality because we truly prepare medications using the finest ingredients in our cutting-edge facility, where tradition and modern technology coexist and are both equipped with cutting-edge quality control labs. Each type of products has a designated section with enough room to avoid contamination, mixing, etc. Modern equipment is added to make preparations simpler, higher-quality, and with a serious dedication to uphold traditional values. Waste materials are disposed of using both conventional and cutting-edge techniques, including waste water treatment plants.

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